Coffee Filter Wreath Tutorial (sorta)

Here is the issue…..

My natural tendency is to find the path of least resistance.  My Mom has insisted over the last three decades what I call “selective engagement” goes by another term – lazy. I don’t think I am lazy per say, just prudent with my time. The real issue is that I have a hard time redoing something especially if the original was well done.  I know that many of you have sent me messages asking for a tutorial on exactly how I created my coffee filter wreath but truth be told, I just winged it.  I apologize if that response sounds annoying, but honestly when I got stuck, I did a quick internet search on “coffee filter wreaths” and found a multitude of savvy DIYers who had already done multiple tutorials.

I make a SUCKY tutor!!

Picture courtesy of: 

One tutorial that I found quite helpful was Tanda Plain & Tall as she was quite detailed in her pictures of the process.  Another great wreath tutorial can be found on Our Daily Chocolate  because she approached the project completely differently and used staples!  What I am getting at is there is no “right or wrong” way to approach this craft project. These two examples illustrate just how differently you can approach this project and still end up with a fantastically beautiful end product.  I just don’t see how me adding yet another DIY tutorial, a probably a convoluted one at that, would be beneficial to anyone especially when so many great tutorials already exist!

Believe me when I say you don’t need no stinkin’ tutorial to do this project!  So my friends, trust your instincts!  And so what if you make a mistake…’s coffee filters and glue!!!  Rip off the offending filters  and start over.  Crafting is about having fun and playing.  I have found that my best creations have been when I tossed caution to the wind and went off the “play book”.   Crank up the iPod, uncork a bottle of vino (or equally attractive nonalcoholic beverage if you don’t drink) and fire up your glue gun.   All you got to lose is time, glue, a few coffee filters and potentially the two top layers of skin on your index finger (yup, my right index finger is still numb!). 

 But don’t feel that I am leaving you hanging in the wreath department.   I promise that tomorrow I will be posting a super easy, awesome and nonconvoluted DIY tutorial on how to create your own festive (and inexpensive) grapevine wreath.  Yup, I got more wreath ideas than you can shake a stick at!

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