Ring Around the Coffee Filter…..

What does this formula get you?  Figure it out and I will give you a nice shiny new penny…….

300 Coffee Filters

3.5 Glue Sticks

2 Burned Fingers


Graphic Credit: gerardnadal.com

4 Hours

1 Coffee Filter Wreath


Coffee Filter Wreath

I am really pleased with how this project came out.  I can’t stress how easy this project was in relation to how it looks.  If you don’t mind the occasional hot glue burn and some mind numbing repetition, anyone can do this craft project.  I have to thank Nichole over at Parlour for giving me the inspiration for this project.  Her fantastic DIY light fixture got me thinking that if she could do that with a $5 paper lantern, I could do the same concept but on a wreath form.  After a quick search of the net, I found that I was not alone in my concept and several other bloggers had attempted the project to varying degrees of success.  So armed with the knowledge that the worst I could do was end up with a life time supply of coffee filters, I ventured down to my local Dollar Store to pick up the supplies.  I returned with 320 coffee filters, a wicker wreath form and the reality that this project was going to take me longer than I anticipated.    However, at a total cost of $3, I figured I was game for the challenge.

I started Sunday afternoon on the project.  A cup of coffee (insert pun here), sunlight cascading into the kitchen and cabaret music streaming on my laptop.  I was in a happy mood….life was good:


Doesn't this look like a happy place to be crafting?


About 1.5 hours into the project....still in a happy place.


And then the darkness set in.....

I realized about the point above that the wicker form was not a good option for this project.  Due to its twisting nature, I couldn’t create a “master row” of coffee filter rosettes and then work out from there.  Further, I realized that I started fairly” loosey goosey” and then got tighter as I went applying the rosettes, so one side was slightly higher/fluffier than the other.  Annoyed, I stopped for the day and went had lunch because the prospect of redoing 1.5 hours of work just made me want to drink.

The wreath sat untouched until Thursday.  Now having ample free time on my hands (see reason here) I decided to finish the project.  It took about 2.5 more hours and several choice curse words after burning my fingers, but I figured out how to rectify the imbalance and create symmetry.  The secret was to apply the rosettes on a diagonal working with the contour of the wicker rather than against it.  It took about 2 rows to get the hang but after that,  but after that it was smooth sailing.  I finished the wreath in about two hours and spent a half hour filling out “holes” in the wreath for a fuller look.  As I said, aside from the inability to feel  anything in two of my fingers and slight brain atrophy, I really liked this project.

Originally I thought it would grace a wall in my living room, but I am thinking it may serve a more unconventional role in  my holiday decor.  Any guesses?  Leave a comment and if you guess correctly, there may be a special little holiday surprise in it for you. And no, it won’t be a shiny new penny – Geesh I am frugal but not THAT cheap!

9 thoughts on “Ring Around the Coffee Filter…..

  1. That turned out great! I saw that same light fixture and have ideas of creating something similar to mask the hideous (but necessary) ceiling fan my girl’s room. Can you break the project down a bit, show us what to actually do with said coffee filter and how to apply it?!? It looks great.

    As for what you’re plans are for it….using it as a ‘donut pillow’ in case you get hemorrhoids? I kid.

  2. Oooh! I bet you’re going to use it as a centerpiece!!! What’d I win?

    I loved your project and I’m LOVING parlourhomeblog that freakin’ light fixture is a monster. These projects are actually inspiring – most of the amazing blogs just make me feel bad about myself!

    The wreath is so pretty I want to make one, but I’m pretty sure I’d set it on fire a couple hours into gluing.

    • Ding Ding Ding! You won a box of my award winning fleur de sel caramels actually! I will send you an email shortly to get your address so I can put them into the mail for you. See – you thought I was joking! And honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it…..it’s super easy even for a women who is preggers!

  3. Pingback: Coffee Filter Wreath Tutorial (sorta) « Living Life Out Loud

  4. Pingback: I “Wreath” You a Merry Christmas…… « Living Life Out Loud

  5. Pingback: New Year’s Eve Dinner Party Table Setting « Living Life Out Loud

  6. Duuuuuuude, it looks GREAT! I was laughing through this entire post. Because, I remember very keenly when my “darkness” set in. I felt I would NEVER be finished. I did think briefly, as another commenter said, about setting the whole freakin’ thing on fire. But, I’d already invested several hours in it by that time, and I just kept telling myself, “I’ve come this far, I can’t just stop.” Here’s to you, for powering through. It looks amazing. Oh, and I’m jealous about the caramels. I was gonna say centerpiece too. Promise.

  7. Pingback: Easter Table Breakdown & April Give Away Reminder…. « Courtney Out Loud

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