Weekend Update ….

This weekend was a mix of work and play ( … more work than I would have liked personally).  I am on the countdown for our trip abroad so I am working feverishly to get client projects in order and prepare for our house sitters.

However Friday found me having drinks with Erin of Apartment 34 and visiting our friend/realtor Taylor at his colorful house to wish him early birthday wishes…

Saturday was a work day for the Sansome project where I took measurements of the space to ensure proper furniture placement (remember great design starts on the floor!) and confirmed tile choices for the bathroom.  But the majority of my day was spent cleaning and organizing my closets.   So. Not. Exciting.

Sunday was a hodgepodge of doing some personal projects like putting together new bedside tables (they are headed off to be spray lacquered in brass), shoring up the design direction for the master bedroom (navy grasscloth and David Hicks – HELLO!) and meeting up with a dear friend for dinner…..

This is one of the first weekends that while I had fun, I don’t feel refreshed or energized.  I am hoping that a large coffee and some quality time with The Partner tonight (who has been having hell at his job too) will do me some good.

Here is to all of us having a productive (and fun) week!

Check me out on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and now Instagram(@CourtneyOutLoud).

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